Command Classes

Command classes are where the functionality of each command is implemented. Multiple command classes can be defined in a single module, for example the distutilazy.clean defines:

  • CleanPyc: Clean compiled files created by CPython (.pyc files and __pycache__ directories)
  • CleanJythonClass: Clean compiled .class files created by Jython
  • CleanAll: Clean all temporary file (compiled files, build and dist directories, etc.)

Using Command Classes

To use command classes, pass the classes (or custom classes extending them) as cmdclass argument of setup() function in file.

import distutilazy.clean.CleanAll
import distutilazy.test.RunTests
from distutils.core import setup

    cmdclass= {
        "clear": distutilazy.clean.CleanAll,
        "unittests": distutilazy.test.RunTests

Now to run tests, run this command

$ python unittests

To remove all temporary files run

$ python clear

Or create a custom class, to extend the ones provided by default:

from import distutilazy.clean import CleanAll
from distutils.core import setup

class MyCleaner(CleanAll):

    cmdclass= {
        "clear": MyCleaner

All the command classes extend from distutils.core.Command class, and they provide these methods:


Initialize options of the command (as attributes of the object). This is called by distutils.core.Command after the command object has been constructed.


Finalize options of the command (for example to do validation) This is called by distutils.core.Command before run is called.


Executes the command with current options state

Here we introduce available modules, and classes they provide.

distutilazy.clean – Command class to clean temporary files

class distutilazy.clean.CleanPyc

Command class to clean compiled and cached files created by CPython


Command option, the path to root directory where cleaning process would affect. (default is current path).


Command option, a comma separated string of file extensions that will be cleaned


Command option, a comma separated string of directory names that will be cleaned recursively from root path


Return list of file extensions that are used for compiled Python files


Return list of directory names that are used to store compiled Python files


Return list of absolute paths of all compiled Python files found from the root directory recursively.


Return list of absolute paths of all cache directories found from the root directory recursively.

class distutilazy.clean.clean_pyc

Alias to distutilazy.clean.CleanPyc

class distutilazy.clean.CleanJythonClass

Command class to clean compiled class files created by Jython


Command option, the path to root directory where cleaning process would affect. (default is current path).


Command option, a comma separated string of file extensions that will be cleaned


Command option, a comma separated string of directory names that will be cleaned recursively from root path


Return list of file extensions that are used for compiled class files


Return list of directory names that are used to store class files


Return list of absolute paths of all compiled class files found from the root directory recursively.

class distutilazy.clean.CleanAll

Command class to clean all temporary files (compiled files created by Jython, CPython), build and dist directories, etc.


Command option, the path to root directory where cleaning process would affect. (default is current path).


A command option, a comma separated string of file extensions that will be cleaned


Command option, a comma separated string of directory names that will be cleaned recursively from root path


Return list of file extensions that are used for file extensions to be cleaned by default.


Return list of directory names that are going to be cleaned by default.

class distutilazy.clean.clean_all

Alias to distutilazy.clean.CleanAll

distutilazy.pyinstaller – Command class to run PyInstaller

class distutilazy.pyinstaller.BdistPyInstaller

Command class to run PyInstaller


Command option, Boolean value to specify if PyInstaller should clean spec files before bundling the application. (Default is False)


Command option, a comma separated string of modules to force import (same as –hidden-import option of PyInstaller)


Command option, path to the icon file used for the executable


Command option, name of the bundled executable. (Default is found from the current distribution name)


Command option, a list of extra paths to search for modules to import from, separated by the standard path separator of current platform (; on Windows and : on Others).


Command option, path to PyInstaller executable. (By default is “pyinstaller” and will be found on shell path)


Command option, path to target file to bundle


Command option, Boolean value to specify if the application is a windowed application or not. (Default is False)


Return a list of modules to be imported by default


Return a list of extra paths to search for modules by default


Return a list of PyInstaller options used by default

class distutilazy.pyinstaller.bdist_pyinstaller

Alias to distutilazy.pyinstaller.BdistPyInstaller

class distutilazy.pyinstaller.CleanAll

Command class to clean all temporary files, including PyInstaller spec files. Extends distutilazy.clean.CleanAll and has the same attributes and methods.


name of the bundled app which is used for the auto generated spec file name.

class distutilazy.pyinstaller.clean_all

Alias to distutilazy.pyinstaller.CleanAll

distutilazy.test – Command class to run unit tests

distutilazy.test.test_suite_for_modules(modules) → unittest.TestSuite

Return a test suite containing test cases found in all the specified modules.

class distutilazy.test.RunTests

Command class to find test cases and run them (using standard library unittest)


Command option, the path to root directory to find test modules from. If this path is a package and provides __all__, then this list is considered as the list of test modules and no more search happens for other files (Default is “tests”).


Command option, a Unix file name pattern (like fnmatch) to match tests files with. This is used when no files are specified to run, and the root is not a package that specifies the tests with its __all__ attr (Default is “test*.py”).


Command option, a comma separated string of file names to search for test cases. If specified, only the test cases in these files run.


Command option, an integer (1 .. 3) specifying the verbosity of the test runner (Default is 1).


Accept a list of file paths, import them as modules and return a list of module objects.

find_test_modules_from_package_path(self, package_path)

Find modules from the package specified by package_path __all__ attr, import them and return the modules.

find_test_modules_from_test_files(self, root, pattern)

Find files whose name matches the pattern from the root path, then import them and return the modules.


Return a TestRunner to run the test suite, configured with the verbosity option.

class distutilazy.test.run_tests

Alias to distutilazy.test.RunTests